the Renaissance

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the Renaissance

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:40:48
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. Renaissance Wines are experimenting with Italian varietals as opposed to the rest of the competitors that make Californian New Age style wines in India.

2. The park at Chateau Chenonceaux on the other hand contains two traditional gardens which are typical of the French Renaissance style.

3. Are the remains buried in a French chateau really those of the Renaissance master?

4. To chisel home the connection between old art and new art, the wing that houses David will be cleared of Renaissance paintings.

5. The audience is often intrigued with their concert programmes which include an extensive guitar repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary music.

6. A pair of creature features rides on the crest of an exploitation renaissance, reports Elizabeth Kerr.

7. The country is a crossroad of cultures undergoing a renaissance in its art scene.

8. Only when the long ban on dissection petered out in the Renaissance did the ventricles prove to be empty space.

9. According to the Huangpu District government, the Bund area is expected to enjoy a renaissance with new recreation and retail outlets.

10. Historians and architects have cited the high historic value of the gardens, including the embodiment of the Chinese Renaissance architecture in the buildings.

1. The new museum joins something of a small Peranakan renaissance in the city state.

2. In this era of most jazz can be crowned classical jazz's name, many modern classical jazz Renaissance from Fletcher ended Henderson, clarence Williams and the music of Beiderbecke Bix inspiration, they can be regarded as the openness of the music style of successor.
在这个时代的大多数的爵士乐都能被冠以古典爵士乐的名称,许多现代的古典爵士乐的复兴者从Fletcher Henderson,克拉伦斯·威廉斯和Bix Beiderbecke的音乐中获取灵感,他们能被视为这种开放性的音乐风格的继承者。

3. In view of its rich cultural products, there seems to be a certain parallel between the Jiajing period and Renaissance Europe.

4. The Miserere is one of the most often-recorded examples of late Renaissance music, although it was actually written during the chronological confines of the Baroque era; in this regard it is representative of the music of the Roman School of composers, who were stylistically conservative.

5. Its main current came from the Renaissance at the same with the West.

6. Long frustrated by the release schedule restraints of conventional labels, electronic new age Renaissance man David Arkenstone joined with his wife, Diane, to create Neo Pacifica, a label releasing a wide variety of creatively diverse expressions.
长期以来不满于传统唱片公司的地行限制电子新音乐的鼻祖David Arkenstone,同他的妻子DIANE,共同组建了新的唱片公司,Neo Pacifica,通过它来发行一糸列风格多样、新颖的音乐作品。

7. The females were sired twice in the ninth century, and one abundance time within the Renaissance.

8. the Renaissance是什么意思

8. Renaissance humanism of the core idea is by no means accidental.

9. Room service is available, but no restaurant- diners will wish to explore the city a bit, but after dinner you can leave the Renaissance palaces to the tourists and retire to the Charming House.
尽管这里每一个房间均有相似的风格,但却有着各自不同的吸引力,由于各个房间窗户和阳台的独特位置,人们能领略到完全不同的景观,无论是PEGGY GUGGENHEIM的花园,还是迤逦的运河景色,或者只是一些露着粗糙木梁的古老屋顶,都会让每一位入住者感到兴奋不已。

10. A city in central Italy on the Arno River; provincial capital of Tuscany; center of the Italian renaissance from 14th to 16th centuries.

11. It will benefit the building of a harmonious society of our country to research Renaissance, especially to study the renaissant characteristics in European countries, the cultural carrier, and the renaissant thoughts'spread and influence in China.

12. the Renaissance

12. Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian renaissant painter, was widely considered as one of the most outstanding giants in the canoe of European Renaissance.


13. The flourishing of algebra in the medieval Islamic world and in Renaissance Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through decimal notation.

14. The Olympics Games Come Early for Local Secretaries at the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel!

15. In recent years there has been a renaissance in the study of met...

16. Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Resident Manager, Mr.

17. the Renaissance什么意思

17. The Renaissance and the New Monarchs marked the start of a period of discovery, exploration, and increase in scientific knowledge.

18. Statement: The most important scientific development of the renaissance period was the discovery of magnetism.

19. Based on Shanghai, Renaissance has authors all over the country and exerts great influence.


20. The main goal of this exhibition is to expose the public to an aspect of the Italian Renaissance by reconstruction of the princely attires at that time.

  • 临近词
In the Renaissance period the nobility wore elaborate and brightly colored dresses.(在文艺复兴时期,贵族们都热衷于精美鲜亮的裙装。)
The Renaissance Learning company based the report on its reading programs used in many schools.(“复兴学习”公司是根据一个在许多学校都实行的读书计划做的这个报告。)
From the earliest days of the Renaissance, the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men.(从文艺复兴初期开始,历史写作就意味着要重述伟人的模范生活。)
Yet during the Renaissance, this same material had been used against its "nature", in the Florentine tradition of sharply carved detail.(然而,在文艺复兴时期,同样的材料被用来对抗它的“本性”,按照佛罗伦萨的传统的精细的雕刻细节。)
In short, the Renaissance was not, socially speaking, the dawn of a new day, but its twilight.(他说,“总之,从社会学的角度看,文艺复兴不是新一天的黎明,而是一天的黄昏。”)
"Her life is no longer a mystery," said Giuseppe Pallanti, who carried out extensive research on the Renaissance woman.(“她的一生再也不是秘密了”,对这个文艺复兴时期的女人进行扩展研究的朱塞佩·帕兰提说。)
The Renaissance genius spent years deciphering the flight of birds and devising personal flying machines.(这位文艺复兴时代的天才,长年累月地研究破解鸟类飞行的秘密,努力钻研发明个人飞行器。)
The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.(文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。)
Louise Erdrich is an influential Native American writer of the Renaissance of Native American literature.(路易丝·厄德里奇是“印第安文艺复兴”时期的一位非常杰出的印第安裔作家。)
The Renaissance has continued.(复兴在继续。)
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